WWJD Journey

Walking with Jesus Discipleship Journey

The Walking With Jesus Discipleship Journey (WWJD Journey)

This is an exciting new course designed to deepen your relationship with Christ.

Join us for this transformative journey as you take your next steps in becoming a devoted disciple of Christ!

Each block requires a $10 payment to cover the cost of the included workbook.

The workbooks are essential for your learning experience, so the payment is required to participate.
The workbooks are essential for your learning experience, so the payment is required to participate.

The journey is divided into four key blocks, each designed to help you grow in different aspects of your faith.

The starting point of your WWJD Journey. Here, we’ll focus on laying the groundwork for a solid faith in Christ by exploring core biblical truths. You’ll build a strong spiritual base to carry you through your discipleship journey.

Learn how to live by faith, trust God’s promises, and cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. This phase encourages you to step out in faith and grow in your confidence in God’s plan for your life.

Equip yourself with the structure needed to apply your faith to daily life. You’ll learn practical tools and spiritual disciplines that strengthen your walk with Christ and provide a framework for sustained growth.

Ignite your passion for Christ and embrace your calling to serve Him. This phase challenges you to live boldly and on fire for God, carrying out His mission with enthusiasm and purpose.